Autoryzowane szkolenia MicrosoftMS 55348 Verwalten Von Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

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Schulung durch einen Microsoft Authorized Trainer (MCT)

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14 Tage

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)

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Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)

Bestell einen Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)-Gutschein


Bei uns können Pearson VUE-Prüfungen abgelegt werden

Als autorisiertes Pearson VUE-Prüfungszentrum ermöglichen wir, die von Pearson VUE angebotenen Prüfungen abzulegen.



The training takes place on a BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop) basis. This means that you must bring your own laptop to the training or inform us if you do not have one.


Dieser fünftägige Kurs beschreibt die Verwendung von Configuration Manager und den zugehörigen Standortsystemen zur effizienten Verwaltung von Netzwerkressourcen. In diesem fünftägigen Kurs lernen Sie alltägliche Verwaltungsaufgaben kennen, einschließlich der Verwaltung von Anwendungen, Clientintegrität, Hardware- und Softwareinventarisierung, Betriebssystembereitstellung und Softwareupdates mithilfe von Configuration Manager. Außerdem erfahren Sie, wie Sie Endpoint Protection optimieren, Compliance verwalten und Verwaltungsabfragen und -berichte erstellen.


  • Netzwerkgrundlagen, einschließlich gängiger Netzwerkprotokolle, Topologien, Hardware, Medien, Routing, Switching und Adressierung
  • Active Directory-Domänendienste (AD DS) Prinzipien und Grundlagen der AD DS-Verwaltung
  • Installation, Konfiguration und Fehlerbehebung für Windows-basierte PCs
  • Grundkonzepte der Sicherheit von Public-Key-Infrastrukturen (PKI)
  • Grundlegendes Verständnis von Skripterstellung und Windows PowerShell-Syntax
  • Grundlegendes Verständnis der Windows Server-Rollen und -Dienste
  • Grundlegendes Verständnis der Konfigurationsoptionen für iOS- und Android-Mobilgeräteplattformen.


Module 1: Managing computers and mobile devices in the enterprise

  • Overview of systems management by using enterprise management solutions
  • Overview of the Configuration Manager architecture
  • Overview of the Configuration Manager administrative tools
  • Tools for monitoring and troubleshooting a Configuration Manager site

Lab 1: Exploring the Configuration Manager tools

Module 2: Analyzing data using queries, reports, and CMPivot

  • Introduction to queries
  • Configuring SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Analyzing the real-time state of a device by using CMPivot

Lab 1: Creating and running queries

Lab 2: Configuring SSRS

Lab 3: Analyzing the real-time state of a device by using CMPivot

Module 3: Preparing the Configuration Manager management infrastructure

  • Configuring site boundaries and boundary groups
  • Configuring resource discovery
  • Organizing resources using device and user collections

Lab 1: Configuring boundaries and resource discovery

Lab 2: Configuring user and device collections

Module 4: Deploying and managing the Configuration Manager client

  • Overview of the Configuration Manager client
  • Deploying the Configuration Manager client
  • Configuring and monitoring client status
  • Managing client settings and performing management operations

Lab 1: Deploying the Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager client software

Lab 2: Configuring and monitoring client status

Lab 3: Managing client settings

Module 5: Managing inventory for PCs and applications

  • Overview of inventory collection
  • Configuring hardware and software inventory
  • Managing inventory collection
  • Configuring software metering
  • Configuring and managing Asset Intelligence

Lab 1: Configuring and managing inventory collection

Lab 2: Configuring software metering

Lab 3: Configuring and managing Asset Intelligence

Module 6: Distributing and managing content used for deployments

  • Preparing the infrastructure for content management
  • Distributing and managing content on distribution points

Lab 1: Distributing and managing content for deployments

Module 7: Deploying and managing applications

  • Overview of application management
  • Creating applications
  • Deploying applications
  • Managing applications
  • Deploying and managing Windows apps

Lab 1: Creating and deploying applications

Lab 2: Managing application supersedence and removal

Lab 3: Using Configuration Manager to deploy Windows apps

Module 8: Maintaining software updates for managed PCs

  • The software updates process
  • Preparing a Configuration Manager site for software updates
  • Managing software updates
  • Configuring automatic deployment rules
  • Monitoring and troubleshooting software updates
  • Enabling third-party updates

Lab 1: Configuring the site for software updates

Lab 2: Deploying and managing software updates

Module 9: Implementing Defender Protection for managed PCs

  • Overview of Endpoint Protection in Configuration Manager
  • Configuring, deploying, and monitoring Endpoint Protection policies
  • Configuring and deploying advanced threat policies

Lab 1: Implementing Endpoint Protection

Lab 2: Implementing advanced threat policies

Module 10: Managing compliance and secure data access

  • Overview of Compliance Settings
  • Configuring compliance settings
  • Viewing compliance results
  • Managing resource and data access

Lab 1: Managing compliance settings

Module 11: Managing operating system deployment

  • An overview of operating system deployment
  • Preparing a site for operating system deployment
  • Deploying an operating system
  • Managing Windows as a service

Lab 1: Preparing the site for operating-system deployment

Lab 2: Deploying operating-system images for bare-metal installations

Module 12: Managing and maintaining a Configuration Manager site

  • Configuring role-based administration
  • Configuring Remote Tools
  • Overview of Configuration Manager site maintenance and Management Insights
  • Backing up and recovering a Configuration Manager site
  • Updating the Configuration Manager infrastructure

Lab 1: Configuring role-based administration

Lab 2: Configuring Remote Tools

Lab 3: Maintaining a Configuration Manager site

Module 13: What’s new in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

  • Whats new in Microsoft Endpoint Manager covering each semi annual release


24 Februar 2025 . - Katowice

24 Februar 2025 . - Online

9 Juni 2025 . - Online

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